Past Events
past events
Moon Lantern Festival
The OzAsia Festival kicks off this week in Adelaide, with the spectacular Moon Lantern Festival to be held this Sunday, 27th September from 4-8:30pm in Elder Park. The festival is free and fun for the whole family, featuring lantern installations, food trucks, performances and fireworks over the River Torrens. JAFA will be holding an origami and calligraphy workshop from 5:30-7pm, so come down and say hi and enjoy this amazing cultural event. J-Kai - Adelaide's monthly Japanese conversation group
Date: Every 4th Wednesday of the month Time: 6-9pm Location: Metropolitan Hotel - 46 Grote Street, Adelaide 5000 (opposite Central Market); click here to open Google Maps Cost: FREE! JAFA World Cup Party! Australia Vs. Japan
JAFA will hold a World Cup party at the Metropolitan Hotel when Australia and Japan do battle at Saitama Stadium. Come in your team colours, watch the action live and cheer on your favourite team... or cheer on both teams! Kickoff at 8pm.
Chuo University baseball team visit
Chuo University is sending its baseball team to play a three-game friendship series against the Adelaide BITE development squad at Norwood Oval on 25 and 26 November. All games are free to attend. The first game will be played at 7:00 PM on Monday 25 November. The second and third game will be played as a double header at 4:00 PM and 7:00 pm on Tuesday 26 November. Additionally, the Chuo University baseball team will train at Glenelg Baseball Club on Sunday 24 November from 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM. That training will be followed by a BBQ lunch and social mixer. Hiroshima: Free Public A-Bomb Exhibition with Artefacts
This year, Adelaide will be hosting a public A-bomb exhibition with artifacts. The exhibition is being organised jointly by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons Australia (ICAN Australia) and the Australian Red Cross.
If you are interested in volunteering at this event, please record your contact details here or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please see information from ICAN about the event below. See the flyer here.
World Trends in the Industrialisation of Space Activities - A Japanese Perspective on Global Cooperation
Dr Yasushi Horikawa is presenting a lecture on world trends in the industrialisation of space activities at the Adelaide Convention Centre. The lecture is free, but registration is encouraged.
Universe of Imagination: The Many Worlds of Japan
The UniSA Library will be holding a display of its collection of manga and anime material in the Student Lounge of Magill Library from 15 October – 16 November 2012. The display title is 'Universe of Imagination: The Many Worlds of Japan', which embraces the strong focus of the collection on speculative ideas – manga, science fiction, parapsychology – as well as allowing for an examination of Japanese perspectives on world cultures. Instagram @jafaadelaide #jafaadelaide |
Diary Dates1st and 3rd Saturdays each MonthCraft Classes 1st April 2023 2pm-3:30pm Cowandilla Primary School 21 Jenkins St, Cowandilla
4th Wednesday of each MonthJ-Kai 26 April 2023 6pm-9pm Hotel Metro 46 Grote St, Adelaide
Coming in 2023
Kodomo no HiSunday 7th May 2023 Thebarton Community Centre AnimeGO! Japan Pop Culture Festival29th October 2023 Adelaide Festival Centre
BonenkaiDecember 2023